Congrats to member Mari Y. de Moya...
“Growing Natives: Botanical Art and Illustration from the Backyard, ” is an exhibit of paintings and drawings by Leland artist Mari Yamashita de Moya. It has been presented at the Leland Cultural Arts Center, Leland Town Hall and at the Burgwin Wright House & Gardens in Wilmington, NC. Although Mari has favored floral themes in her fiber work, paintings and pottery embellishments for decades, it was not until she enrolled in the certification program in Botanical Illustration and Art at the North Carolina Botanical Gardens in 2014 that her affinity for plants as subject matter aligned with passion and purpose. The North Carolina native plants depicted in this exhibit represent only some of the many hosts for pollinators and plant food for birds and insects that are threatened and/or losing ground. Three of the 25+ pieces have appeared in print in North Carolina Botanical Gardens calendars – “Maypop,” “By the Trail” and “Hearts a-bustin.”
Mari Y. de Moya