Saturday, January 25, 2020

Images from the first 2020 NC Botanical Artist

The January 2020 meeting is opened by our new president, Mary Knierim.

Maryann Roper shares powerpoint presentation on her experience with
Kelmscott vellum at the ASBA Annual Meeting held in Pittsburg.
Gigi McDonald also shared her
experiences at the ASBA Conference.

Mary and other members presented a workshop
 on how to make an accordion book
 with 140lb. watercolor paper.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

January 13, 2020 NC Botanical Artist Circle Meeting

Mary Knierim opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all and invited visitors to join the NC circle.

Gigi McDonald and Camilla Tulloch gave the group an update of the Trillium project. Participates in this project will receive future updates or changes via email.

The Trading card project which is being completed in conjunction with the Central Va. Botanical Artist Circle should be completed by the end of January.  Diane Rainey will email participates the final turn in date and arrange pickups.

Everyone was ask to please submit ideas/articles to Diane Rainey for the blog.  Also, if anyone has something that needs to be sent via email to circle members, please send those to Diane at

Pamela Dempsey spoke on the upcoming 2020 Exhibition opportunities and will communicate new ideas with the circle at a later date.  Also, the Duke Garden exhibit will not occur this year but hopefully a group show could take its place.  Pamela may reach out to members to participate in a survey for future workshop ideas.

A 2019 ASBA Conference recap was given by Maryann Roper which included a powerpoint presentation of the use and challenges of painting on vellum.  She also shared with the group an overview of her conference experiences. Gigi McDonald gave a talk on her views of what she learned and saw at the conference.

Lisa Holmsen announced the 2020 Open Studio dates that are held at the UNC Botanical Gardens.

Mary Knierim announced a potential field trip to Lewis Ginter Gardens in Richmond sometime during May.  The circle was invited by Judy Thomas from the Virginia Circle. More information will be sent at a later date.

Thanks to Lisa Holmsen and Linda Bowerman and others members for the wonderful refreshments.

The first workshop of the new year was presented by Mary Knierim and other planning committee members on how to make an Accordion Book.  It was a very successful workshop with members sharing their delight of the finished books and the process. Members are also looking forward to sharing creative ideas in their books at the next meeting.  We are hoping to expand the bookmaking process at future meetings or workshops.

Below you will find a shortcut to a pdf format of the Accordion Book instructions and also a video.

Click this Link to PDF file for Accordion Bookmaking Instructions